Two things the French do a lot of. The wine part shouldn't have been surprising - I already knew the French drank 65 liters of wine per capita compared with the US's 7 and California's 25 - but when you actually witness the quantities and the frequency, it still somehow takes you by surprise. You'd think they would be sick from all the wine they drink (for lunch, dinner, and dessert) but I have noticed that a lot of French varietals and blends are light, fruity, and smooth, almost as if they were engineered for maximum drink-ability. I think if you tried to drink California cabs with the same frequency as the French drink Beaujolais or Bordeaux blends you probably would be sick. As to the hairbrushing, I wouldn't have expected to see excessive amounts of this on the streets of Paris, but it seems like a popular pass time for French women. Instead of hand-washing in the bathroom, you see combs. Women at restaurants share combs while waiting for the check, and on the train into France, I watched a woman sit and brush her hair for at least 3 minutes. Not styling, not shaping, just brushing. Is French hair particularly unruly?