People say you could spend a week here. Yes, that is definitely true.
Like everyone says, the Louvre is huge. But to me, what was even moreimpressive was how opulent the whole thing was. Not just the paintings
and sculptures inside, but the building itself. The Louvre is like a
ridiculously expensive palace. Huge ceilings, ornate carvings, giant sculptures, an
original castle in the middle from the medieval period - the whole
thing is comprised of all kinds of art. It's absolutely incredible. In style, The Louvre reminded me of The Getty in Orange County - in
size, it reminded me of the Smithsonian in D.C. But the Louvre is
completely original and one of a kind. Walking through it was
incredible. We got lost several times, and every which way you look,
you're seeing the most amazing art in the world.