Travel Blog

Some Place for a Reunion

I am so lucky Dan is coming tonight - otherwise this hotel would be
absolutely depressing.

The room is in a small dark alleyway by the canal, a block away from
the front desk. The internet is broken (so this post will appear a
little out-datedly) but even if it was working I would have to walk
down the block to Reception to use it in the "computer room"- a
depressing and windowless room 2 floors above the lobby.

The room smelled like B.O. when I first arrived, the shower flooded
the first time I got in it, and the windows are barred closed. Some
place for a romantic reunion.

Since there is only one room key, and Dan needs it to even get within
knocking distance of our room, I have to wait for him in the lobby.

Italy at night is probably a crazy place to begin your Eurotrip - I
feel like I had a much smoother arrival in London at 6:30am. Besides
the jet lag, I had a whole day to figure things out, and could speak
the language. I think Dan has to leave the airport, get his baggage,
catch a water bus, and find his way to the hostel in the dark.
Fortunately, his direction-taking, map-using talents WAY surpass my
own. It's about 8:30, and I think he got in around 7pm, so I am just
gonna wait and see.