Travel Blog

Getting Some Space

Getting to the Cinque Terre after a place like Rome was such a relief.
I am an extroverted person, but I was completely "people'd out" after
3 days of constant tourists, crazy traffic, and pushy sales people. If
you are planning to tour Rome, I would definitely recommend spending a
few days out in Tuscany, or the Almalfi coast, or the Cinque Terre to
wind down afterward. Rome can just be so exhausting.

Anyway, getting to the Cinque Terre was like entering another world.
We got off the train, got some Coronas, learned we couldn't access the
internet, and went to the beach.

As much as I hate not being able to keep up with my blog, it's good to
be cut off for a couple of days. (But any more than a couple of days
and I'd start to go crazy . . . I freely admit that I am addicted to
my technology.)

We wondered if the Cinque Terre would be another touristy destination,
or if we'd think it was overrated, but I have to say that is NOT the
case. Yes there are some tourists, and it's probably worse on a
weekend than on a Monday-Friday, but the tourists don't bother you
(unless you're on the hike) because everything is so chill and easy

Of all the places I've been to in Europe so far, the Cinque Terre tops
the list in terms of finding a vacation. Definitely recommend it.