Travel Blog

B&B Hospitality

One thing that has been pretty consistant in Italy is the over-the-top affection and kindness from the owners of hostels and B&Bs. Every time we've walked in or out of the place we're staying, it's been "Gratzi, gratzi, ciao ciao!!" I can't count how many times we've heard "Ah but you are now family . . . . such a beautiful couple . . . . .  we love you, it was our pleasure!" All accompanied by hugs, kisses, compliments, etc.

This whole display of affection is pretty adorable, and it's a very interesting and striking contrast to how the staff interact with one another. I can't believe how many fights we've walked in on or just witnessed between at the places we've stayed in.

In Florence, the owner started yelling at one of the staff (a 25 year old) in Italian right in front of us, later that day two employees (both our age) had a 30 minute long yelling match in Italian while we sat right there using the internet. Well, that one wasn't so much of a match, I suppose it was more of the beautiful Italian girl yelling at her co-worker while he sat there and mocked her. I have no idea what either of those fights were about!

I guess both incidences show how passionate the Italians can be. They LOVE you or they HATE you, and they don't hesitate to make it known!