Everyone has told me the value of this idea, and I have stubbornly
refused to listen until now.
vacation. I'd started to get lonely, I was tired, and after checking
into my hostel last night I called Dan to say that nothing sounded appealing anymore and I
wasn't sure how to finish out the next week. I didn't care about the
pretty lake, I didn't care about the tasty food, I just felt exhausted
and lonely. I'd also begun to have some "travel realizations" which were making
the solo element of the journey a little less satisfying. It turns out
that I don't care quite as much about where I am as I do about who I
am with. Of course, I want to see the world, and I plan to continue
traveling, but I've realized that in the future, I hope to have a
companion, at least for any other extended trips I plan to take. Luckily, my new roommate heard me saying all of this on the phone, and
she realized I needed a day of vacation too. So today we spent the day
on the beach in Lucerne doing a whole lot of nothing. Tonight, we went and got some awesome Mexican
food, strolled around the Old Town, and came back to do more nothing. I can't even say how much better I feel. With the pressure to "do"
relieved, I felt like I actually was able to experience the city in a
whole new way, and recharge for my last week alone.