I really loved Berlin, but after 4 days in such a grungy, hardcore
sort of city I was beginning to get tired. (Sharing a room with an
obnoxious American who pronounced Santa Cruz Santa CRUZ and snored all
night didn't help.)
Berlin was so huge, and there was so much to see and do, and
everything was so spread out I felt I had to move at a breakneck pace.
There wasn't much to just sit and look at and admire - it was more
like "take a beer for the road and pass the graffiti on the right to
get to giant concrete building #402 where you will see this very heavy historical memorial.' And then of course, there was the
whole getting lost debacle that served to keep me on my toes. I know I'm trying to get a lot done, but part of the thrill of Europe
is the fact that you can just sit and watch the world go by - if you
have the right place to do it. Thankfully, I think Prague might be the right place. It is absolutely
beautiful, and I am so relieved. I think there is a lot to see, but I
am hoping to do more sitting and admiring here than in some of the
places I've been so far. As long as I can beat the rain.