Travel Blog

Strange Meat

So there are a few weird meats I keep seeing around in Berlin.

One of course, is the curry-wurst. Basically this is a bratwurst cut into
pieces, covered in this tomato sauce, sprinkled with curry powder,
and put in a paper container. No bun.

I got some today at the mall because I thought I should try it out . . . my
stomach did NOT thank me for it, but it was decently tasty.

The other thing I've seen, but haven't tried, are these huge racks of
meat that spin around on sticks at the mall, or at little stands in
resturants. I don't even pretend to know what sort of meat it is, but
cooks shave it off in strips, and do something with it . . . . I don't
know, it's a little frightening.

Those crazy Germans. Why don't they have some chicken!