Travel Blog

Rothenberg is Dangerous

And addictive. And mind-warping.

Tiny cobbled midieaval streets, shops selling clocks and dolls and
cakes, and traditional (but 5-Star) German food. The worst part is a
whole street devoted to Christmas. And not the cheesy American
Christmas. The traditional, wooden, nutcrackery, organ music, angels +
glowing stars, family Christmas.

It is so beautiful. And quaint. And romantic.

Within a half an hour of arriving to this town I was envisioning
walking the lit streets on Christmas Eve, snow all around, little red
chimneys ablaze, hot chocolate in hand, a coffee with amaretto and a
roaring fire back at the pension, and children excited to see the
puppet show.

No. Not what 25 year old me needs to be thinking about in the middle of August.

I see why thy call it the romantic road. There's something about this
city that makes you feel very cosy and huggy. Not so good for a single
traveler. Maybe the perfect spot for 45 year old me. Who knows?