Travel Blog

Rolling with the Punches

Although I generally hate "tours," I had a lovely one planned for
today. A small group of us would canoe down a river outside of
Amsterdam to a 17th century village where we'd see cheese being made.
And windmills. Then we'd bike to a mossy moor where we'd picnic with
fresh cheese and other Dutch specialties. Then we'd canoe back.

It was supposedly a really scenic tour, and I was all ready to go when
I realized my tour group ditched me. Or changed the meeting spot. Or
something of that nature.

At home, when my plans get messed with it can ruin my day, but I've
learned very quickly to just roll with the punches while travelling.
Getting mad, especially when you have limited time and budget, is not
an effective use of your time.

After changing out of my canoe'in clothes, I decided today would be a
recoup day. Nothing but coffee shops, icecream, cheese, naps in the
park, breweries, and some Van Gogh.

If only I could handle disappointment so gracefully at home.