It's not boring yet, but I know if I stay much longer it will be. I've still got this restless, independent feeling that I need to listen to. I don't want to be locked in, I don't want to be a part of it yet, I still feel like I am in observation mode, and trying to learn as much as possible at all moments of the day.
I will definitely miss what's become familiar, but you can't expect too many constants in travel.
Things I will miss
- The Tube
- The different, yet familiar accent
- The adorable names for everything - like Paddington Station and Picadilly Circus
- The relatability of landmarks to my college major
Things I wont miss
- The dreary weather
- The carbo-loading at every meal (and it's not even spectacular bread . . it's just there.)
- The big city pace.
I want to make a comment on this one.
Americans are known for their fast pace of life, whereas Europeans (especially southern Europeans) are known for their love of life. As several friends have told me in recent months, I could use a little bit of taking it easy, so this is exactly what I need.
However, I haven't found that flow in London, as people are dressed "smartly," expertly rushing around on Tubes, and making their hurry known. Also, there are just so many more sites and experiences that I could cram into my time, I always felt like every moment MUST count.
It could just be the jet lag talking, but I was exhausted this week!
I hope that as I move onto the Continent, I will begin to ease into that slower pace where I don't feel quite so odd doing nothing all day at a beer garden or a coffee shop. This is ultimately, my hope for the next leg of my trip.