Travel Blog

Hanging around in Vienna

I made it to my hostel in Vienna, and I have to say I couldn't be happier.

Maybe I am still feeling the after-effects of my good luck yesterday (holy crap, was the whole filling debacle yesterday? It feels like it was a million years ago) but I am really happy to be back in a German speaking country with Euros, and away from some of the heavier Czech and Turkish fare that seemed to dominate the menu on every street corner. Not that I don't like that stuff, but my stomach needed a break.

I also am absolutely in love with my hostel - I wish everywhere I stayed was like this place.

It's right off the main drag, but on a chill side street, which means it's close to tons of little markets, pharmacies, grocery stores, and atms, but still feels out of the way. The hostel is in this really old building, so it's got a lot of character and ambiance as well. In the front there is a little reception, a really cute little hang out room with a free "book-trade" and maps and info, a music room with a piano, a really laid back tiny bar, like one you might have in your home, and then a garden and a kitchen and a laundry room out back.

Right now I am just sitting outside with the rest of the hostel group, people are drinking beer, and BBQing, and making different regional cuisines in the kitchen. It's SO nice to have a kitchen again!

I got in around 5 this afternoon, sat outside with a couple of Germans and chatter for awhile, walked to the market and got some wine, ham and cheese and salami, and fruit, and stuff for salad, and a really fresh piece of baklava, put on my little swim cover up to do some laundry, and just have been sitting out here, drinking some local wine and talking to some really nice Swedes.

It just feels so much more homey here, I am really enjoying it. The best news of all - the weather is supposed to be improving. I hope this upswing continues!