Travel Blog

Don’t Forget—Tahiti is Still a Foreign Country

On a honeymoon, you relax, and chill out. But if you’re in a foreign country staying in pensions and doing any traveling, you still need to be on your guard. At least to manage your passport, money, camera, and phone. (And with the infrequency of available internet, I am not sure why I even brought a phone. )

In between the jet lag, and the free champagne, and the mad rush to get up and get to the ferry in the morning, I totally forgot about my phone. Didn’t pack it, didn’t think about it. And once we got to Moorea and called back to Beni, it had already been stolen out of the room. And Beni, of course, reminded us that he warned us about the cleaning staff and tourists.

When I was in Europe I was so vigilant, but it goes to show that places you feel comfortable and safe can be more dangerous than somewhere you’re on guard. Dan was pissed at me frequently about how anal I was about my personal belongings in Europe. I didn’t want him to hold them, mess with them, or do anything that would allow me to lose track for a second.

It drove Dan crazy, but I came home with all my stuff.