Travel Blog

Alex is Mistaken for a Hooker by a Homeless Man

At least I think that's what happened, but my French is not so good.

I was sitting on a bench in a beautiful park by my hotel drinking a nice 2006 Crozes Hermitage, reading my Rick Steves Phrase Book, when this 60ish year old man with a cane approached me.

He pointed to my wine with his cane and said, "C'est bon?"  (Is that good.) I smiled and said, "C'est Bon!"

He sat down next to me, and asked me something else, which I didn't understand, but since I was in the middle of practicing my French, I was interested in talking. I had the page open to "I don't understand." Which I said.

He nodded but kept talking, and I finally understood the question "Solo?" So I said, "Oui, mais mi fiance es ici matinee" (This was the closest I could muster to - "Yes, but my fiance will be here tomorrow.")

He looked confused and kept talking, so I pointed to my ring to show him that I was with someone. He then asked, "Camarie?"

I thought maybe he meant "married" so I said "yes," and pointed to my ring. When he asked again, I shrugged and said "I don't understand."

At that moment he poked me in the boob and said "Super!"

My "wtf'" radar started going off at this point, as I noticed that this man was a little mangy and crazy looking.

I said "No!" and "Avoir!" (goodbye.) I started looking through my phrase book for the "Women Traveling Alone - Help" section, and ironically, I couldn't find it. . . . Rick Steves is not without a sense of humor. 

The old guy sitting next to me poked my legs at this point, continuing to say "Super" and asking me "Camarie" (which I finally realized sounded like the Spanish word for "bedroom.") I said "no" again more aggressively and pointed that he should leave, not knowing what else to do at this point.

He grabbed my legs one more time, talking rapid French all the while, and started doing the gesture for money, looking at me questioningly.
I started wondering if I had seriously misunderstood what he had been saying this entire time, so I said very loudly "NO!!!! NO! NO! NO!" and I shoved him. Finally, he said "ahhhhh," and got up to leave, but making sure to poke me one more time, laughing, on his way away.

For a whole minute after he left, I sat on the bench thinking, "What just happened! What on earth was he saying!"

Since I had already had 3 glasses of wine, I felt more confused/shocked than scared, but after noticing another guy had lapped around me 2-3 times, I packed up my things, and went to dinner.