Travel Blog

A History Lesson in Beautiful Bath

As everyone says, Bath is very beautiful. Not only is it beautiful, but it is yet another tribute to just how OLD this part of the world

I assumed that the "Baths" in Bath were developed by British Kings, but apparently I had forgotten that part of my English History.

The first thing I read when I entered the Baths was this quote:

"In Britan are hot springs adorned with sumptuous spleandor for use of mortals. Minerva is a patron goddess of these."
Solinus - 3rd century AD.


Apparently, in the 1st century when Romans ruled Europe, the hot springs were seen as supernatural, and the baths were built as a
shrine to the goddess Minerva. Although much of the Pagan shrines were destroyed when the British came (12th century AD) these same hot
springs became a sacred and healing place for Kings, and a whole new civilization got meaning from the water, believing it had regenerating powers.

Now that we understand the science behind mineral springs, the baths are a tourist site, devoid of religious meaning or significance. It
made me feel sort of solomn and sad, and I wasn't sure why.

I left the tourism site and climbed into the hills of Bath, enjoying the residental areas just as much as the town square - the
architecture and country-side was even more beautiful without crowds of slow Europeans walking all over it.